Position: Postcodes > Costa Rica > S.... > San Rafael >

San Rafael Postcode (Costa Rica)

San Rafael Postcode: 20108, 21501, 20803, 20206, 30304, 30701, 40501, 60204, 10203, 11504, 10405, 11102 (Number of Postcodes: 12 items). Click on postcode number to get more information. For other postcodes in Costa Rica click here.

Average GPS coordinates for San Rafael Postcode location: 10.069, -84.33. (Notice: some coordinates are "GEO located" from street addresses. These numbers may be inaccurate. With this map you can check the coordinates.). San Rafael on map:

Listing cities & postcodes (12):
>> Alajuela, 20108 San Rafael, Alajuela, GPS coordinates: 10.64559, -84.78981
>> Guatuso, 21501 San Rafael, Alajuela, GPS coordinates: 10.64559, -84.78981
>> Poas, 20803 San Rafael, Alajuela, GPS coordinates: 10.64559, -84.78981
>> San Ramon, 20206 San Rafael, Alajuela, GPS coordinates: 10.64559, -84.78981
>> La Union, 30304 San Rafael, Cartago, GPS coordinates: 9.76165, -83.79910
>> Oreamuno, 30701 San Rafael, Cartago, GPS coordinates: 9.76165, -83.79910
>> San Rafael, 40501 San Rafael, Heredia, GPS coordinates: 10.17724, -84.12380
>> Esparza, 60204 San Rafael, Puntarenas, GPS coordinates: 9.88333, -85.18333
>> Escazu, 10203 San Rafael, San José, GPS coordinates: 9.66469, -83.97386
>> Montes de Oca, 11504 San Rafael, San José, GPS coordinates: 9.66469, -83.97386
>> Puriscal, 10405 San Rafael, San José, GPS coordinates: 9.66469, -83.97386
>> Vazquez de Coronado, 11102 San Rafael, San José, GPS coordinates: 9.66469, -83.97386