Average GPS coordinates for San Miguel Postcode location: 10.096, -84.638. (Notice: some coordinates are "GEO located" from street addresses. These numbers may be inaccurate. With this map you can check the coordinates.). San Miguel on map:
Listing cities & postcodes (4):
>> Naranjo, 20602 San Miguel, Alajuela, GPS coordinates: 10.61140, -84.67844
>> Cañas, 50603 San Miguel, Guanacaste, GPS coordinates: 9.81667, -85.31667
>> Santo Domingo, 40303 San Miguel, Heredia, GPS coordinates: 10.30944, -84.18214
>> Desamparados, 10302 San Miguel, San José, GPS coordinates: 9.64672, -84.37608
Listing cities & postcodes (4):
>> Naranjo, 20602 San Miguel, Alajuela, GPS coordinates: 10.61140, -84.67844
>> Cañas, 50603 San Miguel, Guanacaste, GPS coordinates: 9.81667, -85.31667
>> Santo Domingo, 40303 San Miguel, Heredia, GPS coordinates: 10.30944, -84.18214
>> Desamparados, 10302 San Miguel, San José, GPS coordinates: 9.64672, -84.37608